NewsCultureCineMag SIGNIS: Inclusion in cinema around the world

CineMag SIGNIS: Inclusion in cinema around the world

After its previous publication dedicated to ecology in the cinemas of “our world”, your cinema’s magazine offers you this issue dedicated to “inclusion in cinema”.

A thematic approach attentive to the signs of our time, while looking at our world by cinema through the magnifying glass of inclusion. Film readings and analyzes by film professionals, based on crucial and societal subjects addressed by the contemporary magisterium of the Church. After Laudato si, Pope Francis urges fraternity and social friendship in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, drawing inspiration from Saint Francis who “sowed seeds of peace and walked alongside the poor, the abandoned, the infirm and the outcast, the least of his brothers and sisters”.

So many categories of people that we find in films from here and elsewhere, whether fiction or documentary, a reflection of our world in crisis. In the Gospel scene of the good Samaritan commented on in this encyclical, human fraternity is at stake when, for example, on the road, we meet “the wounded man”. “The decision to include or exclude those lying wounded along the roadside can serve as a criterion for judging every economic, political, social and religious project”.

How does inclusion or exclusion manifest itself in cinema around the world? Read critical regards at inclusion in films from Africa, America, Asia and Europe in this issue.

Charles Ayetan

Chief Editor


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